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Version: 1.0.0

Zluri External APIs v1



API Keys can be used to authenticate the use of Zluri Web API v1 endpoint. API Keys may be assigned certain permissions, or scopes, that limit which API endpoints they are able to access.



Base Url

All requests must be made over HTTPS. The API does not support HTTP.

Authorization Header

You must provide an authorization header as described in authentication.

HTTP Verbs

GETRetrieve a resource or group of resources
POSTCreate a new resource
PUTUpdate an existing resource
DELETEDelete an existing resource
OPTIONSView allowed verbs against a specific resource

Formatting Your Request

Request Body

When submitting data to a resource via POST or PUT, you must submit your payload in JSON.


Content-Type Header
All responses are returned in JSON format. We specify this by sending the Content-Type header.


Sometimes API call will generate an error. Here you will find additional information about what to expect if you don't format your request properly, or we fail to properly process your request.

Response Codes

Status CodeDescription
400Bad request
401Requires authentication
429Too many requests/Rate limit exceeded
500Internal server error


Security Scheme Type:


Header parameter name:
